Countless times I run across needing to define a template id, a path, or really any hard coded string within a pipeline. I also end up finding myself scouring the interwebs to find a clear and concise examples of how to use and pass <params> into a pipeline (I know I have ran across plenty of them before but always lose them). Anyways, if you are here I assume you came for the code so:

The Pipeline/Processor Config XML

<httpRequestBegin> <!-- Or whatever pipeline you are tying into -->
	<processor type="Your.Framework.CustomProcessor, Your.Framework">
		<param desc="globalSettingsLocation">/sitecore/content/global/settings</param>
		<param desc="siteRootTemplate">{3BA5DDEC-70EA-4BF6-AC36-83CF341C646A}</param>

What you see above is an example of what the XML might look like when defining a pipeline processor with parameters.

Given the above XML, your actual processor would look something like this:

The Processor Code

public class CustomProcessor
	private string _globalSettingsLocation;
	private string _siteRootTemplate;
	public CustomProcessor(string globalSettingsLocation, string siteRootTemplate)
		_globalSettingsLocation = globalSettingsLocation;
		_siteRootTemplate = siteRootTemplate;
	public void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
		//Do things with your important '_settingsTemplate' and '_siteRootTemplate' variables
		//like GetItems or maybe check for an ancestor of a particular template type...

If this post helped you learn something, great! If it was something you already knew but wanted yet another example, also great!

This post only serves as an example and should not be used to assume that I do or do not endorse using global settings items or searching for anscestors of particular “site root” types in any way shape or form. Also not looking to getting into a Configuration in Code versus File debate. KThxBai.

</end of post>