I would like to introduce a module that I have been working on for a while: Sitecore Feature Flags!

What is it?

I should have probably named it Sitecore Feature Rules or Sitecore Dynamic Features, but Sitecore Feature Flags is an interpretation of Feature Flag development built within Sitecore. Instead of an item with a master list of all renderings/modules and a toggle or flag that enables or disables specific components, this module utilizes Rules to enable or disable modules at the point of Content Entry. Why? Because rather than executing logic on every request to determine if a rendering/module should be displayed to an end user based on some curated list, let’s focus on “guiding” the content editors away from modules that are works in progress but deployed. Given this is more of a conditinal rendering using Rules approach than it is a flag|toggle approach, it actually gives a tremendous amount of power to Content Editors than just enabling and disabling modules; it allows controls to be allowed based on any rules in Sitecore (specific users, specific tree loctions, even a macro to determine what Site you may currently be under).

To illustrate what this means, let’s assume you have a Sitecore instance with 2 sites, one being a global site and the second being a region specific sub-site. Let’s also assume that you are creating a new module and your creative team has only given you designs for the global instance. Instead of managing the controls by creating a seperate page template and placeholder setting for the sub-site, you can levarage one shared placeholder setting but only allow the global site to use that control using Sitecore Feature Flags module, defining a rule to only allow the control in the placeholder if it’s current site is Global.

What does it do?

  • Under the hood 2 new processors are added via Sitecore.FeatureFlags.config to the following pipelines:
    • getPlaceholderRenderings to execute the logic to add/prune allowed controls in Experience Editor.
    • getLookupSourceItems to execute the logic to add/prune allowed options when a template inherits from _Module Options base template.

What do I need for it?

What do I need if for?

  • If you want to be able to deploy your site changes without having a module/component completely buttoned up
  • If you want to have more dynamic control of your modules
  • If you want to minimize your placeholder setting definitions

How do I use it

Should be as easy as:

  1. Install the package in Sitecore Packages

  2. When creating a new/editing an existing placeholder setting, look for the Allowed Modules Rule field. Define your rules here and look for the Feature Flag tagged rules and actions. These will allow you to filter modules by Site and use the allow|block control on this item

  3. When creating a folder that stores arbitrary data items (ie: tags, background colors, styles etc) use the Module Options Folder or use the _Module Option base template to give you the ability to use the Feature Flag rules on said folder. This will give you the ability to exclude child times from a list when this folder is used as a datasource (ie: exclude the Grey Background style from the Global site). This allows you to keep one source of truth for your datasource rather than having to have separate folders per site.

  4. When creating data items that may sit under a page type (think About Us/_content/Hero) you can leverage the SiteInfo macro in Feature Flags to block that item from being inserted using the standard Insert Options rule for specific sites if the module is not ready to be used.


Video of usage (creating a rule on the placeholder setting to remote the Sample Rendering 2 component from all sites except for Global):

Video of usage (creating a Modules Options folder with child items) that is referenced in the Sample Item template. Created rule excluding Green Background from everywhere other than Global.


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Look for a more in-depth write up soon on Geekhive’s website and hopefully on Marketplace as well.

Hope this helps!